
is a helper to bind a list of methods to an object reference

Installation | Motivation | Usage | License


npm install bindme


I was reading some interesting articles about a React poerformance tip: creating functions in render() is not recommended.

I was looking for a way to autobind methods but none was enough convincingly in my opinion, so I created this minimal package that is implemented in 6 lines of good old ES5 code and requires really few lines of code on the user side to be imported and invoked.

Consider also that, at the time of this writing, decorator syntax is not final yet. Furthermore, this bindme helper has no dependency at all and probably will not require updates.


API is bindme(this, 'method1', 'method2', ..., 'methodN'). For example

import bindme from 'bindme'
// Also CommonJS is available:
// const bindme = require('bindme')

class MyButton extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = { clicked: false }

    bindme(this, 'handleClick')

  handleClick() {
    this.setState({ clicked: true })

Since super returns an instance, the following snippet works too

  constructor(props) {


Code is written in ES5 for compatibility, it is equivalent to the following ES6 code

const bindme = (self, ...funcs) => {
  funcs.forEach(func => {
    if (self[func]) {
      self[func] = self[func].bind(self)
    } else {
      console.error(`Method ${func} is not defined`)
