Compute ISP with Maxmind

This is a quick and dirty Perl script to compute the ISP of a given IP, using a Maxmind CSV file


I have a GeoIPISP.csv file from MaxMind with a content like the following

16777216,16778239,"China Telecom fujian"
16778240,16779263,"Golden It Pty Ltd"
16779264,16781311,"China Telecom Guangdong"

where first and second fields are the range of the IPs, and the third one is the ISP name. IPs are converted to numbers by expanding them in base 256, as documented here.

I need to compute the ISP name of given IP address, and once again, Perl comes to the rescue!

I am on Mac OS, so Perl is already installed: that is really good cause also my collegues has a Mac, so I can share the script with them easily.


Copy the CSV file and make it executable

cp GeoIPISP.csv ISP_of
chmod +x ISP_of

Then open it and prepend the following Perl code, the ISP_of script will look like

#!/usr/bin/env perl

my $ip = $ARGV[0];

my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = split('\.', $ip);
my $ip_num = $a * 16777216 + 65536 * $b + 256 * $c + $d;
my $found_isp = 'Not found';

while (my $row = <DATA>) {
    chomp $row;
    my ($inf, $sup, $isp) = split(',', $row);
    if (($ip_num >= $inf) and ($ip_num <= $sup)) {
      $found_isp = $isp;

print "$ip,$found_isp\n";

16777216,16778239,"China Telecom fujian"
16778240,16779263,"Golden It Pty Ltd"
16779264,16781311,"China Telecom Guangdong"

And that’s it! Now you can do

$ ./ISP_of,"APNIC Debogon Project"