How to create an empty HTML page, no title, no favicon
Creating a dynamic SVG inline background with Sass can bring many surprises. Let me share these tricks.
Let me show you I use Redux with React, a set of snippets that I have polished during the last few years to achieve a simplified and flexible structure that is easy to understand also for beginners.
How to setup Framer X to use a i18n React tool and design with translations integrated
Framer X is a slick tool, you can express your creativity creating not only design mockups but also React components from real code. Is it possible to use your own Sass build?
How to use create-react-app with Material web components.
You don't need moment.js! Just use few snippets of native JavaScript code to parse and manipulate dates.
Which is better? axios or fetch? Let me share my ( unconventional, as always :^) opinion.
If you also like Chrome, you probably also like to play with the T-Rex game but then suddenly the network arrives and the game is over...
60 seconds tutorial about how to use Emoji in your web site.
Migrate your blog from Blogger to GitHub Pages to gain full control on your content.