Generate types for FormatJS translation keys and use them to avoid typos, get autocompletion, etc.
This is my vademecum on error handling in JavaScript
Is it worth to study Math? Of course, yes!
Principles and policies I use to organize my tasks. It also includes my own way to handle a kanban board which uses an interesting approach, the metadata.
How to create an empty HTML page, no title, no favicon
It happens often I need to implement a TypeScript type-guard that consumes an object-like type, but did not found clear examples in official documentation or articles. This is the solution I found.
Few tips I want to remember about bash configuration
How to use Array.from() to render a list of React components, makes me think about how good is React software design.
Just a quick list of actions and tricks to write down how to connect from AWS CloudShell to an EC2 instance
Neovim is my favourite editor for modern web development with React, TypeScript, etc. Here it is my setup.
Write your app version into the HTML. Quick and simple implementation.
Follow these complete instructions to create a group Google Workspace to send and receive email.
Creating a dynamic SVG inline background with Sass can bring many surprises. Let me share these tricks.
Define a list of strings that represents a set of entities, using Literal Types instead of Enum
How to change the author name and email in Git commit history
Let me show you I use Redux with React, a set of snippets that I have polished during the last few years to achieve a simplified and flexible structure that is easy to understand also for beginners.
How to setup Framer X to use a i18n React tool and design with translations integrated
Framer X is a slick tool, you can express your creativity creating not only design mockups but also React components from real code. Is it possible to use your own Sass build?
How to use create-react-app with Material web components.
Having an input number working correctly is not that easy, let me share my implementation.
If you are writing a JavaScript code base you should use TypeScript, even if you are not writing TypeScript code.
Mac Terminal is the Non Plus Ultra. Let me share my configuration, in particular I want to remember that font! R.I.P. Steve.
AWS Lambda is great! But even better, there is no need to add any framework on top for management. You can use npm scripts.
Vim is awesome and can speed up your productivity, however it is hard to learn. I will write here things it is worth to remember.
You don't need moment.js! Just use few snippets of native JavaScript code to parse and manipulate dates.
Which is better? axios or fetch? Let me share my ( unconventional, as always :^) opinion.
If you need to associate an IP address to a country or a city probably you will use MaxMind data. If you load it in a relational database you will write a SQL statement that joins your traffic data with MaxMind data, which can be really heavy. This is an attempt to optimize queries by reducing the number of MaxMind data rows.
I am using Redshift since two years ago, and as every database it has its SQL dialect and its secrets. I will write here everything I discover and it is worth to be annotated.
PostGIS is a PostgreSQL extension that adds support for geographic objects allowing location queries to be run in SQL.
If you also like Chrome, you probably also like to play with the T-Rex game but then suddenly the network arrives and the game is over...
React and Semantic-UI are awesome! This article describes step by sted how to use them together and create a custom build.
This is a quick and dirty Perl script to compute the ISP of a given IP, using a Maxmind CSV file
How to edit a crontab in a mantainable way, and other tips to use it the right way. I found a lot of messy crontabs around, it would be better to mantain order.
How to install a PostgreSQL client (psql) that is compatible with AWS Redshift
How to make an Amazon S3 bucket public by default.
Load data from S3 to RedShift using Lambda, powered by apex. Our goal is: every time the AWS Elastic load balancer writes a log file, load it into RedShift.
60 seconds tutorial about how to use Emoji in your web site.
When I started using the fish-shell and entered in a nice community
Guidelines to create a Node.js module following the small package philosophy.
Tired of MS/DOS prompt limitations? Try ConEmu.
Be a cowboy console, use GNU Screen!
Try first Perl6 stable release.
You got a Linux server and you want to prevent security issues: follow these instructions.
Install and use CPAN packages on an host without Internet access. On conquering hosts with a camel.
How to setup a git server, structured like GitHub. No web interface.
How to install WebLogic 12c development version on Linux RedHat.
Migrate your blog from Blogger to GitHub Pages to gain full control on your content.
About installing Perl in hostile environments.
Putty configuration tips.
Setup an Ubuntu Server virtual machine on Windows using VirtualBox.
How to use and configure properly a CPAN client.
Steps required to do an NFS mount.
There are a lot of goodies and tips it is worth to know when you install Git shell on Windows.
Learn Git, reading this collection of pragmatic articles.
Ok, you ❤ Node! but, how to create an npm package?
You are trying to drop a user but Netezza complains cause it "owns objects"? This article shows how to solve this problem.
Collecting your Netezza query history is a mandatory step before optimization. Read this article to know how to collect Netezza history easily.
Learn how to perform basic tasks with git local and remote branches.
This is a quick and dirty way to version a folder using svn and git at the same time.
How to authenticate securely on Netezza.
Tricks and tips about your everyday Oracle sqlplus usage.
Instructions to get a Perl test suite that checks everything is ok in your home dir.
This is a step by step set of instructions on how to use github to contribute to your favourite creative coding project (that is vvvv of course) so you can help, improve it, and maybe add features you need for your own projects.
This is a collection of vim configuration directives.
I am going to put here all the steps required to install DBD::Oracle CPAN module, which is not a straightforward installation. The purpose is to reduce headache and turn it into a repeatable process.
This is a step by step guide to help you getting started with git on Windows.
This is a straightforward Node.js installation, just copy and paste the commands in your shell prompt. Root permissions are not required!
Quick introduction and usage of Devel::Cover to get code coverage metrics for Perl